Sylvana Lansu
Rotterdam based.
The starting point of my work lies in the relationship between human elements and their living environment. I explore the expectations we have of our surroundings, by questioning the common way of showing places. I visualize and document spaces and areas in a conceptual way. Colors and shapes are becoming a new visual language with an eye for detail and sharp representation of architecture.
10 januari vind je mijn foto in de Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender!
Exhibitions: Noorderlicht (El camino de la montaña), Foam first edition 2016 (El camino de la montaña), Rotterdam Art 2017 (Searching for paradise), Rotterdam Art 2018 (Emerge), Groot Handersgebouw tijdens MOMO 2018 (Reappear), FOK 2019 (Deverse work), Maastunnel 2021 (Utopia), Publieke Werken 2021 (This is not a town), De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender 2022 (This is not a town).
Selected clients: Stichting De Verre Bergen, Vers Beton, De Volkskrant, Gers Magazine, Groot Handels Gebouw, Rotterdam the hague airport, Motel Mozaïque, Publieke Werken, Humankind, Rotterdamse Nieuwe, Yeds, Porsche, Metropolis M, Blue 10, Hotel New York, New York Basement, Borgerstraat, Art Tenders, Sion, Follow your art, Spaces, BVB, Bothlingk architectuur, NON.